New data: Canadian physicians embrace digital health tools

With the rise of physician burnout in the wake of the pandemic and ongoing Health Human Resources (HHR) challenges, physicians in Canada are increasingly adopting electronic tools to alleviate unnecessary clinical burdens, building a more Connected Care system. The 2024 National Survey of Canadian Physicians, led in partnership by Canada...

Patient takes first steps at UHN’s West Park Healthcare Centre

It was a dramatic first for both the patient and his care team. Just...

AI-based tool reduces risk of death in hospitalized patients

Can artificial intelligence (AI) help reduce deaths in hospital? An AI-based system was...

The elderly still take too many potentially inappropriate drugs

Study shows that despite some improvements, potentially inappropriate medications are still heavily prescribed...

News & topics

Ensuring the right patient gets the right medication at the right time

Drip. Drip. Drip.  Simon is lying in a hospital bed after a successful abdominal surgery. Listening to the steady drip of the intravenous (IV) pump, he wonders whether he’s getting the right medication. What’s worse, he wonders, “what if the dose is wrong? What happens then?”  He resigns himself to the...

Solventum Launches All-In-One, Extended-Wear Wound Dressing for V.A.C.® Therapy

New V.A.C.® Peel and Place Dressing Makes Negative Pressure Wound Therapy More Accessible, Less...

Innovating care experience with artificial intelligence

At the beginning of this year, St. Joseph’s became one of Canada’s first academic...

The Essential Safety Net for Your Next Adventure

Traveling can be one of life’s greatest pleasures, but it can also come with...

Can AI speech analysis assess and prevent potential suicide?

A new deep learning model could help hotline counsellors use appropriate intervention strategies Speech is...
Hospital News Video Library
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Join the World's Top Medtech Leaders at #MedTechCon 2024
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Collision Toronto 2024 - Hospital News Focus On Healthcare
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Stream™ Platform - Surgeon Reactions
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Cardinal Health - ValueLink
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Emergency Room Wait Times - Why Are They So Long? CEO explains.
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A Canadian surgical first at The Ottawa Hospital using VR technology
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Facilitating Institutional Change - SKIP
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Windsor Regional Hospital Introduces Evolv Detector System
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This is what lab-grown bone looks like
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A.I.D.E.T in action at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Department of Medical Imaging
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Wirelessly-powered ‘smart bandage’ could provide drug-free wound care
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First bioresorbable electronic bandage speeds healing by 30%
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Ryerson Graduate Professor Karen Spalding: Helping students thrive
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The Value of Radiology in Canada
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Rho: 16 Bit's AI-based software to opportunistically screen x-rays for low bone mineral density
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Introducing Modus X
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Vein Viewer
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Preventing the Next Pandemic | U of T Groundbreakers EP1
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SeeLuma | Bausch + Lomb
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World-first discovery impacts treatment of acute respiratory failure
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Multi-thermal Aspects of the Wound Dressing
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Improved treatment for patients with kidney failure
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Study finds high percentage of patients with a severe COVID infection will end up with kidney injury
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3M™ Ranger™ Blood/Fluid Warm Unit 245 with warm high flow set 24355 with 3M™ Ranger™ Pressure Inf DT
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London researchers discover novel method to diagnose long COVID
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Symposium 5 -Virtual care IS care: How Canada can seize a once in decades opportunity to democratize

Medical Specialties

Turning Star Wars technology into real-world rehab

Dr. Cesar Marquez-Chin has been preparing for the future ever since he watched Star Wars for the first time.  Growing up in Mexico City, the...

Real-world evidence shows flash glucose monitors* reduce diabetes-related hospital visits

A new, first of its kind Canadian study suggests flash glucose monitors* can help...

Optimizing opioid prescriptions after the ED to reduce opioid overdoses, misuse

New research aims to help reduce the quantity of unused prescription opioids after emergency...

St. Michael’s-led research calls for screening program for ‘ticking time bomb’ abdominal aortic aneurysm

It’s been seven months since Daniel Hook had successful surgery at St. Michael’s Hospital to treat an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), a condition where there is swelling or ballooning in the aorta. Known as a “ticking time bomb” because it can grow undetected for years, AAA is usually deadly if the aortic aneurysm ruptures or bursts. Hook’s AAA was discovered by clinicians at St. Michael’s, who performed an emergency surgery...

The time has come to erase the stigma surrounding diabetes

You brought this on yourself with poor eating habits and bad lifestyle choices.”  If you or someone you know has diabetes, you have likely heard...


A New Centre To Help Canada’s Nurses Enhance Their Skills

Coming out of the pandemic, Canada’s health care system found many new challenges and many new nurses in hospital wards. This created a need for learning opportunities that The Michener Centre for Post-Graduate Nursing Education (Michener CNE) has stepped up to provide. “With a more...

Empowering Nurse Practitioners to transform Ontario’s healthcare landscape

As healthcare professionals, we are acutely aware of the challenges facing Ontario’s healthcare system....

Nursing practice in the digital environment

Infoway has conducted the fourth national survey of Canadian nurses on the use of...

Nursing Hero 3rd Place: Valeriya (Valerie) Potapov (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre)

In the heart of Holland Centre, you will find an inspiring and cheerful nurse...

Nursing Hero 2nd Place: Bonnie Kissick (Alberta Health Services (retired))

I am writing in strong support of Ms. Bonnie Kissick Nurse for Nursing Hero...


Monitoring system for seniors puts privacy first

Of course your mother wants to stay in her own home. She’s lived there for 60 years, from when you and your siblings were...

Report sees chance to create home care capacity by streamlining services

New report from UHN recommends residential high-rise buildings with a high proportion of older...

Screening project to better protect residents in long-term care

The prevalence of Carbapenemase-producing organisms (CPO) is increasing in B.C. with new cases reported...

Assessing and treating swallowing disorders

After a year of living with a tube that delivered food directly to his stomach, John Schonewille, then 66, had begun to despair that he might never be able to enjoy the everyday pleasure of eating again. Robbed of his ability to swallow by...

Transformation project reducing unnecessary emergency department transfers from long-term care homes

William Osler Health System (Osler) has partnered with McMaster University (McMaster) on a system-level transformation project that helps decrease transfers from long-term care homes...